
The department offers a program leading to the Master of Arts degree in English. While many students enter the master of arts degree program to prepare themselves for teaching composition or literature in schools or on the post-secondary level, others enroll for the degree to acquire background and skills for careers in writing, publishing, 以及各种商业领域. 针对这类专业兴趣的课程 are built on a firm foundation of core studies in literature and criticism and are complemented by the traditional skills that the program also develops: analytical abilities; techniques of investigation and organization and presentation of ideas. For some students, the Master of Arts degree in English is essential preparation for 博士学位. It is the highly recommended background for some professions 比如法律. But, above all, the degree supports professional aspirations by enriching the student’s personal life through its varied knowledge of cultural history, and the modes of vision that literature has taught men and women to use and enjoy.

In addition to the general 硕士学位课程, the department offers a concentration 黑人文学. 研究生 level courses are also available in television and theater 艺术与传播学.


Students applying to the 硕士学位课程 in English must include a graded 英语论文. Students must also write a paper on literary analysis during a 90 minute 安排在188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的课程. 预定写作周期的日期 can be obtained from the Department of English (773) 995-2189. 研究生申请者 are not required to complete the English Qualifying exam.

Depending on the assessment of the graded 英语论文, the assessment of the paper on literary analysis, and whether students have fulfilled general requirement #2, students could be: (1) denied admission; (2) conditionally admitted; (3) fully admitted. Students conditionally admitted will be assigned to Eng 2280 and to other courses 认为有必要. Conditionally admitted students must successfully complete Eng 2280 or other courses 认为有必要 for full admission into the 硕士学位课程. Fully admitted students who do not produce an acceptable paper on literary analysis 会被分配到eng5427吗.


  • Fulfillment of the general requirements for admission to the graduate program.
  • Completion of twenty-four semester hours of undergraduate work in English and the baccalaureate degree, with an acceptable grade point average.
  • A minimum of half of the courses applied to the satisfaction of Master’s degree requirements must be at the 5000-level, including one seminar in American literature and one seminar 英国文学.

选择# 1

  • Completion of at least thirty credit hours of graduate level course work, exclusive of teaching methods courses, with grades averaging B (3.0)或以上.
  • Successful completion of a comprehensive examination in English or American literature or linguistics after the student has accumulated at least twenty-one hours in the 硕士学位课程. Students will be given only two opportunities to successfully 完成综合考试.

选择# 2

  • Completion of at least thirty-three credit hours of graduate level course work (including the thesis), exclusive of teaching methods courses, with grades averaging B (3.0) 或以上. (见硕士论文指导老师.)


  • Completion of thirty semester hours of graduate work in English selected with the 研究生导师的批准. 教学方法课程除外.
  • Completion of the following courses, or their equivalents, is required on either the undergraduate or graduate level: Eng 4311 or 5411; 5331 or 5428; 4336 or 5436; 5415 and 5427; plus three courses in some combination of British 和美国n literature.


  1. ENG 5306 -青少年文学(3)
  2. ENG 5314 -维多利亚文学(3)
  3. ENG 5316 -世界杰作(3)
  4. ENG 5321 -黑人女作家(3)
  5. ENG 5322 -美国黑人诗歌(3)
  6. ENG 5323 -赖特,埃里森和鲍德温(3)
  7. ENG 5324 - Gwendolyn Brooks研讨会(3)
  8. ENG 5326 -浪漫主义文学研究(3)
  9. ENG 5329 -小说研究(3)
  10. ENG 5331 -文学批评(3)
  11. ENG 5332 -美国黑人小说(3)
  12. 美国散文小说中的黑人形象(3)
  13. ENG 5338 -语文(3)
  14. eng5339 -现行英语用法(3)
  15. eng5341 - 1918年以来的美国文学(3)
  16. eng5342 - 1918年以来的英国文学(3)
  17. ENG 5343 -当代世界文学(3)
  18. eng5345 -美国文学,1820-1865 (3)
  19. eng5346 -美国文学,1865-1917 (3)
  20. eng5349 -英语小说(3)
  21. ENG 5355 -现代世界戏剧(3)
  22. ENG 5356 -电影体验(3)
  23. 英语文艺复兴(3)
  24. ENG 5358 -英语文学的17th 世纪(3)
  25. eng5359 - 18的文献th 世纪(3)
  26. ENG 5360 -教学文学(3)
  27. ENG 5361 -语文及文化(3)
  28. ENG 5366 -英语作为第二语言教学(3)
  29. eng5367 -英语专题(3)
  30. ENG 5368 -英语工作坊(3)
  31. 英语5370 -文学中的美国民族经验(3)
  32. ENG 5371 -移民文学(3)
  33. ENG 5373 -出版事业(3)
  34. ENG 5374 -图书出版(3)
  35. 英语5377 -教写在一个多元文化的设置(3)
  36. ENG 5380 -非虚构文学讲座(3)
  37. ENG 5381 -小说讲座(3)
  38. ENG 5383 -诗歌研讨会(3)
  39. eng5384 -非裔美国人自传(3)
  40. ENG 5386 -莫里森,沃克和赫斯顿(3)
  41. ENG 5390 -女性的声音(3)
  42. ENG 5395 -书面实习(3-12)
  43. ENG 5411 -莎士比亚研究(3)
  44. ENG 5415 -乔叟研究(3)
  45. eng5427 -甲基 & 文学研究课程(3)
  46. ENG 5428 -文学批评史(3)
  47. eng5435 -英语历史(3)
  48. ENG 5436 -描述语法(3)
  49. ENG 5441 - Advanced Studies in English Literature (3)
  50. ENG 5442 - Advanced Studies in American Literature (3)
  51. ENG 5443 -黑人文学高级研究(3)
  52. ENG 5447 -黑人文学研讨会(3)
  53. ENG 5449 -语言政治(3)
  54. eng5451 -英语独立学习(1-3)
  55. ENG 5452 -英国文学研讨会(3)
  56. ENG 5453 -美国文学研讨会(3)
  57. ENG 5454 -英文研讨会(3)
  58. ENG 5455 -作文教学讲座(3)
  59. ENG 5456 -出版及写作讲座(3)


ENG 5498 -硕士论文(3)


For successful completion of the graduate program in English, students must:

  1. be able to write coherent, well-organized exposition in several rhetorical modes using 能熟练编辑美式英语.
  2. understand and be able to use effectively a variety of rhetorical forms and strategies of informative writing and write for a variety of audiences.
  3. be familiar with the literature and major developments and writers of Great Britain 和美国.
  4. be familiar with a significant body of literature by American writers of color.
  5. be able to analyze works of literature, understand a variety of critical approaches, and demonstrate an awareness of the characteristic elements and techniques of the 各种各样的类型.
  6. understand basic elements of language and of language development, history, dialects, 语言习得.
  7. be able to think critically about issues and articulate varying points of view.
  8. be adept in solving problems involved in research and communication.
  9. 能熟练操作文字处理程序.
  10. be familiar with professional journals in the discipline.
  11. be familiar with professional organizations and become a participating member of at 至少有一个.
  12. be willing and able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses and outline a plan 的自我完善.